Source code for thumbnails.engines.dummy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from thumbnails.conf import settings
from thumbnails.images import Thumbnail

from .base import BaseThumbnailEngine

[docs]class DummyEngine(BaseThumbnailEngine): """ A Engine that will use a placeholder service in order to show the Thumbnails. It uses ``THUMBNAIL_DUMMY_URL`` to build the url of the thumbnail. More info can be found in the dummy-mode section of the documentation. """ def create(self, original, size, crop, options=None): thumbnail = Thumbnail('dummy_{}x{}'.format(size[0], size[1])) thumbnail.size = size thumbnail._url = self._get_url(size) return thumbnail def _get_url(self, size): return settings.THUMBNAIL_DUMMY_URL.format(width=size[0], height=size[1]) def cleanup(self, original): pass